SDGs and ORALPEACE Project

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 are the United Nations international goals for sustainable development and consist of 17 global goals. ..
The ORALPEACE Project, which was born in 2012 before the SDGs, was born with the goals of “creating jobs for people with disabilities with innovative toothpaste and oral care products,” “integrating business and welfare,” and “balancing social and economic efficiency.” We have paved the way for solving sustainable social issues through our core business, rather than philanthropic activities as a for-profit company.
Promote the problem of poverty of persons with disabilities, extension of healthy life expectancy of the elderly, protection of the global environment with environment-friendly products, disaster-stricken area support activities, etc. through technological innovation of Japanese industry, academia and government with like-minded partners. Activities are spread all over the world.
ORALPEACE Project SDGs Initiatives

No Poverty
No Poverty

Put an end to all forms of poverty everywhere
In the ORALPEACE Project, the actual situation of working disabled people nationwide with low income of 15,000 yen on average for one month was anxious about the future from the perspective of the person who has a disabled person as a family, and all over the country. We have been promoting efforts to create jobs and improve income.
In addition, the post-mortem problem of persons with disabilities who have difficulty in financial independence is also a major issue for the parties concerned, and we are proceeding with trial and error efforts to resolve social issues in collaboration with adult guardianship groups.

Good Health and Well-Being
Good Health and Well-Being

Ensuring a healthy life for all people of all ages and promoting welfare
The ORALPEACE Project was invented in collaboration with Kyushu University and other Japanese national research institutes. It is a safe ingredient that can be swallowed while sterilizing bacteria that cause problems in the oral cavity. Those who care about the health of all ages, from babies to the elderly. With safe toothpaste and oral care products that can be used by sick and disabled people, we promote the health of people around the world and infection prevention care for people around the world in the age of the new coronavirus. In addition, we are working with JAXA on research and development of space products that contribute to the health of astronauts engaged in missions at the International Space Station promoted by JAXA and NASA and the development of humankind.

Quality Education
Quality Education

Providing inclusive, fair and quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning opportunities
The ORALPEACE Project aims to tackle SDG and solve social issues through the project in classes at domestic elementary and junior high school students and universities, including educational support activities for overseas children through international NGOs. We are promoting efforts to solve social problems through education by actively introducing examples of social entrepreneurship and sustainable social ventures.

Gender Equality
Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
The ORALPEACE Project is run by gender-agnostic members and aims to form a team without gender equality or discrimination. The places where many women play an active role are equal, and we respect the places where we can carry out activities that make the most of each individual’s individuality and abilities. We are also aiming for team building that promises a future that is open to both children and girls.

Clean Water and Sanitation
Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensuring access to water and sanitation and sustainable management for all
Water scarcity due to the effects of climate change has become a serious problem all over the world. To alleviate water scarcity, it is essential to protect and restore water-related ecosystems such as forests, mountains, moors and rivers. In the ORALPEACE Project, green technology originating in Japan reduces Co2 emissions, does not affect the ecosystem even if emitted, does not use petroleum-derived chemical raw materials, does not use fossil (petroleum) raw materials, and is traceable. We are promoting the worldwide introduction of innovative environmentally friendly toothpaste and oral care products using only high-sustainability plant materials to ensure safe water and hygiene.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and full and productive employment and rewarding human employment (decent work) for all
The ORALPEACE Project was created in 2012 with the goal of achieving decent work for people with disabilities. In order to connect products and innovations with high social usefulness and market competitiveness to sustainable jobs and incomes of persons with disabilities, and for each person to make use of their individuality, they will be able to work and live with a sense of dignity. We are promoting initiatives.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Develop strong infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and expand technological innovation
Technological innovation is also important in finding sustainable solutions to both economic and environmental challenges. The ORALPEACE Project will also bring scientific research and innovation by Japanese national institutions to the field of toothpaste and oral care products to promote a green and clean new industry in a sustainable new era. We are working to create research and technologies that are highly useful to humankind.
In addition, we are developing sustainable business model infrastructure that creates jobs for persons with disabilities in our core business around the world, and are working to solve universal social issues for the entire planet and humankind.

Reduced Inequalities
Reduced Inequalities

Correct inequality within and between countries
The ORALPEACE Project is a CSV (Creating Shared Value) model business that shares profits with working disabled people, rather than donation model, CSR, and philanthropic activities by sharing profits after pursuing profits of the company. A project that aims to bring together what each person can do and individuality, share financial success with many people and enrich everyone by working together, and challenge each other’s life and work to eliminate inequality and disparity. is. We are spreading this business around the world and working to correct domestic and global inequality by empowering many people.

Responsible Consumption and Production
Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensuring sustainable production and consumption patterns
The era of continuous production and consumption that ignores human health and the global natural environment for economic growth has come to an end. As with the future of gasoline-powered vehicles, the industry for the past 100 years has finished its role, and the generation of chemical products is rapidly changing to new industries with green technology that has no impact on health and the environment.
In the ORALPEACE Project, persistent chemical substances, synthetic bactericides, etc. will be replaced with highly biodegradable natural antibacterial agents that are friendly to both the human body and the environment, and consumer literacy will be enhanced through educational activities. Years later, we will continue to work on transforming the production and consumption of responsible environment-friendly products that will leave a beautiful earth for children’s generations.

Climate Action
Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its consequences
Climate change, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and floods, has a serious impact on us. In particular, the disaster in Japan, an island country, is more serious than others. If we do not take immediate action, the consequences can be irreversible.
The ORALPEACE Project is working on the development and provision of products that reduce CO2 emissions as a response to climate change, which is the root cause, as well as disaster, disaster prevention, and emergency support activities using toothpaste and oral care products that are safe to swallow. I will. Assistance to disaster-stricken areas by products with excessive CO2 emissions is inconsistent. We cannot solve everything, but we believe that taking even a little action is important for us living on the earth 10 or 100 years from now.

Life Below Water
Life Below Water

Conserve and use marine and marine resources in a sustainable manner for sustainable development
Approximately 7 billion people around the world use and discharge persistent synthetic bactericides and chemical substances that cannot be biodegraded because waterside microorganisms cannot be eaten and kill the microorganisms themselves every day. It is thought to have a great impact on the food and health of human beings, who are at the top of the food chain such as the conservation of marine resources and marine products. Considering the future of the earth and humankind 100 years from now, it is time to change.
In the ORALPEACE Project, researchers believe that highly biodegradable products that do not affect rivers and marine ecosystems will save humankind, and researchers spend enormous amounts of time and money on the future of the earth and humankind, and the best of science. I am challenging the tip.

Life on Land
Life on Land

Conservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems, promotion of sustainable use, sustainable forest management, response to desertification, and prevention and restoration of land degradation and prevention of biodiversity loss
Human life and life are supported not only by the ocean but also by the land. Immediate action must be taken to conserve terrestrial ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, arid areas and production areas, stop desertification and mitigate the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity.
In the ORALPEACE Project, we are developing the world’s first toothpaste and oral care products for mountaineering and outdoor activities, and are working on research and development of products that are biodegraded by microorganisms even if they are discharged into the natural environment. We are also working to reduce soil pollution by using organically grown plant raw materials without using pesticides as much as possible.

Partnerships For The Goals
Partnerships For The Goals

Strengthen implementation measures for sustainable development and revitalize global partnerships
The ORALPEACE Project is a project in which various members gather and develop in partnership all over the world. It is not a project that can be done alone, but a project that is being carried out with volunteers from all over the world. It is a partnership born out of human love that transcends race, gender, skin color and thought, sympathizing with the universal social issues common to all humankind, the issues faced by families, and the challenges faced by individuals.
We hope that everyone will participate in the Oral Peace Project and walk together in a wonderful future.